The idea is, on a descriptive level, to build in the FROM clause a temporary table that consists of the data to be imported before calling any of the spatial functions. 其思想是,在一个描述性级别上,在FROM子句中建立一个临时表,这个表由在调用任何空间函数之前导入的数据组成。
We present descriptive data stratified by age, sex, income level and rural versus urban residence. 并且按年龄、性别、收入水平以及城乡居民进行分类,提供描述性的数据。
It undergoes a series of process from descriptive science to standard science, from the level of sociology to the level of epistemology, showing the feminist's desire of pursuing ideal science. 这一系列过程经历了由描述性科学到规范性科学、由社会学层次过渡到认识论层次,展现了女性主义者对理想科学的追求和向往。
Without expression trees, its impossible to describe expressions in a descriptive format; the only description of them is IL, which is too low level to re-create the user's intent for the expression. 没有表达式树的话,我们是不可能用描述格式来表示一个表达式的。他们唯一的表示方式是IL(中间语言),这种语言对于重新表述用户的意图来说太低层次了。
Based on a sample of 307 juvenile athletes, descriptive analysis reveals that both the academic satisfaction and the exercise satisfaction were located at the middle level. 问卷调查了307名体校少年运动员。描述性统计发现,少年运动员的学业满意感和运动满意感大致处于中等水平;
In China, the study on bullying has been carried out later and it stays the descriptive level by investigating and analyzing the current situation of the bullying, without exploring the characteristics of the children involved in bullying. 我国此项研究开展的较晚,现有的研究主要停留于调查分析欺负行为现状的层面,尚未针对欺负卷入儿童自身特点进行探讨。
With descriptive approach, we firstly analyze the compensation incentive system of executives, such as the compensation structure, compensation form, compensation level. 本文选取中国沪深两市69家上市高新技术企业作为样本,先采用描述性研究方法考察了高层管理人员的报酬激励机制,包括报酬的结构、形式、水平。
Because of using the advanced DSP, popular high speed PCI bus and large scale FPGA, using VHDL hardware descriptive language to design the interface logic, the level of designed hardware is to a certain degree. 由于采用了先进的DSP处理芯片和结构、流行的高速总线PCI总线、大规模FPGA及VHDL硬件描述语言进行接口逻辑设计,使得整个系统具有相当高的数据处理能力。
Descriptive structures, especially the subordinate sequencings, are the primary predicates used to elaborate and organize the lower level information by the participants across the four groups. 叙述结构,特别是主从叙述结构在四组研究对象的作文中都同时是主要的语篇低层结构组织手段。
However, the current research on teaching of dance courses for physical education major in colleges is still at the shallow descriptive level and without specific solution. 然而,目前国内外关于高校体育教育专业舞蹈艺术课程教学的研究往往还处在描述层面,而且针对性不强。
Theoretical discussions remaining on a descriptive level limit the ability for those literatures to solve the problems within enterprise group. 停留在描述层面上的理论探讨限制了这些文献解决企业集团问题的能力。
Through analyzing descriptive statistics, we have the following results: College students 'metacognitive reading strategy use is generally in a medium level, but their adoption of three broad strategy types is in an unbalanced state. 通过一系列的分析统计,结果如下:英语专业学生的元认知阅读策略基本处于中等水平,同时他们对于三个不同维度的策略使用处于不平衡状态。
It is the descriptive statistic analyze of several swatch sorted by a few kind of standard. It shows that the level of managerial equity is very low in China and "zero managerial stock holds" is very popular. 首先通过不同的标准划分成几个子样本进行描述性统计分析,这一分析表明我国上市公司中管理股权比例偏低,零股权现象非常普遍。
Firstly introduces A county from the three aspects of the geography, culture and economic, next we have descriptive statistical analysis from A county rural household food consumption level status and food consumption structure change two aspects. 首先从地理位置、文化和经济三个方面对A县进行了介绍,接下来从A县农村居民食品消费水平现状和食品消费结构变化两个方面进行了描述性统计分析。
Studies concerning the legislative speech act in Chinese and English statutory laws are most often descriptive and theoretical and fail to go beyond the legislative language level. 有关中英成文法中的立法言语行为的研究相对比较少,而且大多系圈于立法语言层面的描述和纯理论研究。
Results of descriptive analysis and univariate analysis of self-efficacy for patients with enterostomy: Patients with enterostomy in this research experienced medium/ low self-efficacy level. 肠造口患者自我效能感水平的描述性研究和单因素分析:本次调查的肠造口患者的总体自我效能感处于中低水平,占94.13%。
Thirdly, the paper summarizes our different formation mechanism of the RMB exchange rate system, descriptive analyze the different stages of the price level in China and the RMB exchange rate changes. 第三,归纳了我国不同的人民币汇率机制的形成,对不同阶段我国物价水平与人民币汇率的变动情况进行系统的描述性分析,理论分析了汇率对物价的实际影响效果。
Study results found: ( 1) Three national students all only achieve visual level, and did not reach the descriptive level and the theoretical level, and the performance in the descriptive level is better than the theoretical level. 研究结果发现:(1)三个民族的学生都只达到直观水平,没达到描述水平和理论水平。